
Saturday 2 July 2022

A Daring Dive into the Bogs - and Beer! - of Sydney

Australia, overall, is a civilised country. One might, if one were feeling pedantic, quibble about the lack of bookstores and the bizarre penchant for air-dryers, but we're not going to do that. In the words of the immortal Hegelian philosophers, "Australia, we love you!". We love the landscape, the clear signage and the heaven-sent coffee. What's more, Australia is rich in public toilets. Not for Australia the disturbing toilet shelves of Germany, the stingy fees of the so-called public toilets of Sweden, the awkward grace of India or the unadulterated horrors of the British Isles. Australia knows what needs doing, rolls its sleeves up and gets on with doing it. Its public conveniences are free, clean and always, always clearly signposted. Frankly, they're a jetlagged traveller's dream! Sydney, in particular, offers a veritable cornucopia of bogs. We have taken many photos of various conveniences but have, unfortunately, due to the aforementioned jetlag and general bewilderment, no idea which pictures are from where. Hence, we have decided to do a summary of typical features, including sinks, toilets and coat-hooks.

In summary, one might say that although there is always plenty of soap there are always, always air-dryers, but also plenty of charm. Draw your own conclusions.

The festive stalls that you're not allowed to smoke in are in this charming public toilet in the Domain area of Sydney. We would link to the post featuring the toilet that Australian Friend sent us pictures of that this photo reminds us of, but we're currently, at the moment of writing, in a bar whose bartender claims to have a cure for jetlag and friends, it is not going to happen.

Coat-hooks, like tasteful sunglasses and quality dentistry, appear to be something of an Australian speciality! If doing good coat-hooks was an Olympic sport, the big country down under would be taking all the medals.
The top hook is from the Australian Museum in Sydney, where one can see a picture of what the Demon Duck of Doom might have looked like in prehistoric times, and frankly, things don't get much better than that.
In summary, there are two things that Australia does really well, and those two things are toilet coat-hooks, coffee, friendly banter, crocodiles, and beer.

We will not of course let you go without a photo of everyone's favourite toilet babe, Jonny, and a festive video!

Jonny says: 
"I would snog me in here."
We can only swooningly agree.

Festive Video:
Emmylou Harris, One of These Days

Related Reading
All posts featuring Australia 

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