
Saturday 19 November 2022

Toeing No Lines Whatsoever - Rather, Really Letting Ourselves Go

After being exposed to some gentle ribbing, in our last post, on the subject of her atrocious taste in music, Shewee Fiend Friend had many things to say. To refresh our possibly collective memory, here's what we said:
Since Rampant Rat-Hunting Friend absolutely will not approve of any music we might choose, ever - being, on this point, as rabid as Shewee Fiend Friend - it is utterly irrelevant which Festive Video we choose for this post.

Also, we know for a fact that this blog is read by a total of seven people, one of whom is Our Mum, and none of whom ever watch the Festive Videos. Thus it matters not one jot whether we also link to this version of this Festive Video, and also this fantastic version.

The things Shewee Fiend Friend had to say in response were, in chronological order:

Just to spite you I listened to the first twenty seconds of the second version of that festive video
It was interesting to watch the spandex aerobics dancers until the singing started, then I couldn’t take it anymore
But I’m really glad to hear I’m not the only one who lets you know your taste in music is abysmal
Really just abysmal


Also I’ve just watched the third version of that video
Well I listened to around twenty seconds again. I had forgotten how bad it was so I had to turn it off pretty soon
It was also awful
Where do you even find these things? How have you heard of this terrible person
 These are interesting questions which will, we are certain, spark further research and lead to many fruitful debates!

Jonny, meanwhile, has been devastatingly handsome in several toilets. Let's go through them systematically, in a scientific fashion.
Jonny writes:
Went into the office today and I was the only one there
Which is a shame because I look really fit today
Here's a pic of me by our unisex toilets
(We have 3 men's and 1 unisex)
 Indeed, why should the women have their own toilet? It's not like they're people. However that may be, however, we absolutely agree that Jonny looks fit in front of this unisex toilet, and congratulate his employer on hiring such a dishy toilet enthusiast!

Jonny: Dishier than ever, in front of a unisex toilet.
The following photos arrived without any comments, which is a fantastic chance, we believe, to let our creative juices really flow, imagining where they might be from and what might have happened in these toilets to result in such clear signage. We encourage our readers to let go of all restraints and embrace some really fervent speculation.
Really let yourself go, now.
A tantalising door!

If a picture says more than a thousand words, here we have the equivalent of a bestselling mystery trilogy, popular in airports the world over.
A note of caution to sensitive readers: the following picture is highly suggestive and might make impressionable individuals over-excited. Be very, very careful.

Careful, now!

Finally, is this the fainting couch to end all fainting couches? Does one feel the urge to lie down sensuously, while sipping a gin-enriched glass of champagne and feeling really fabulous? Reader, one does.
Since we have established that it is irrelevant which Festive Video we choose, here is a random one that we have put no thought into whatsoever.

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